Starting your day off on the right foot.

While staying home watching Netflix is easy and comforting, no one looks back on their life to say, "Wow, the best experience I've ever had in life was binge-watching Netflix for a whole month." One of my favorite spiritual teachers in life Ralph Smart once asked something that really hit me in my soul, “Why would you spend your whole life, watching somebody else live theirs?” One of the most beautifully lasting things we’ll have in life is the memories we create.Most of the time, the world will not just magically show up with the perfect circumstances for unique memories. We have to actively create them ourselves. Life is what we make it and in these fast-paced times, we can either seize every single day or watch from the sidelines. Out of the sixty-plus events I've attended in Chicago alone this year, Daybreakers is one of the most unique memory generating experiences out there.
So you might be wondering to yourself, ‘What exactly is “Daybreaker?’” I asked myself the same thing. To put it as simply as possible, it’s a sober morning dance party designed with a mission for us all to have wellness, camaraderie, mindfulness, self-expression, and mischief.
Sounds like a great idea, right? But maybe you’re a little skeptical about how “enlightening” this experience really is (I was too). I decided that the only way to find out was to actually experience this event for myself. If it was amazing, I’d have an awesome new activity to do and bring friends to, and if it wasn’t, I had the rest of the day ahead of me to binge-watch some Netflix. We create our own memories, right?I walked into the lobby of the W Hotel, in excitement and anxious anticipation, I really had no idea what circumstances the universe had packaged in store for me. As I entered the 33rd floor to the Altitude Venue I could hear house music blasting through speakers. I was greeted with a smiley, warm, and friendly hug from an event host. Then, a smile lit up on my face as I saw one of the best gifts the whole entire earth has ever had to offer us, FREE FOOD.
As I walked into the circular main room, I was so nervous I could feel the discomfort in my body. I looked around and just started copying the dance moves of the first person I could find. When I got into my own flow I really looked around the room and admired everyone I saw. You could just feel how free they were, expressing themselves, happily dancing, with no cares in the world. At that moment, it wasn't just their dancing that captivated my heart, but their soul illuminated when playing freely.
As time went on, the hosts surprised us with a balloon limbo, conga massage train, instructions to hug a stranger, group meditation, and an inspirational morning talk with a life and sex coach.
Here are some secret insider tips if you decide to go live this experience for yourself:
- Waking up early may be the biggest challenge for some people. I recommend you sleep early to get all the rest you need to have the best time.
- Don't worry about making your own breakfast, I was worried they would run out of food at the venue, but they will always have complimentary food for you from very healthy and delicious brands. (Vegan and Gluten-Free Options Included)
- Read everything on the website about the event before you get your ticket! I neglected to do this and was not aware that this specific party was Christmas-themed, so I showed up in hot pink yoga pants.
Another thing I was not aware of, was how much love would be in the room and the higher meaning behind the whole event.I came to the event alone anxious if I would be able to go through it without looking lame for being alone. I actually came to find a couple of people who did come by themselves and were freely dancing with no friends near them. I walked around and asked a couple of people how they did particular dance moves, and they kindly showed me with no judgment. A group of two girls lovingly welcomed me into their circle. About four people shared their experiences and the story of what brought them there. One girl even made plans with me later on. The community there was so full of loving kindness.
As we ended the party, we were left with these words: "We are living in the cusp of human consciousness. It is our responsibility to stay true to love, peace, happiness. We're on the cusp of incredible times."
We all had a group hug as we inhaled all the positivity and exhaled everything that no longer served us. It was at that moment I was moved by what I just had been a part of. Daybreakers is not just a morning dance party, but a party about bringing more happiness and love into the world. About starting your day on an extreme high so you can share that with those around you. How amazing is it that things like this exist in our world right now?My biggest takeaway was to always love, have fun, and live with deep meaning. Not just for a party, but in all areas of life. Rarely in life do the best experiences just show up. We have to create for them.
I hope this inside scoop on Daybreakers has given you the inspiration you need to create even more meaningful magical memories.
Daybreakers events happen all around the world at various times. Visit or to learn more!