The holidays are fast-approaching and it’s important to stay hydrated during this festive season. From busy schedules to celebratory cocktails to cold weather drying out your skin, making sure you’ve had enough water only becomes more necessary from November to January.
Here we’re sharing some easy ways to stay hydrated throughout the holiday season to help stave away headaches, chapped lips, and even weight gain.
1. For every glass of champagne, drink a glass of water.
Luckily, the easiest way to combat these next-morning headaches is by making sure you’re drinking enough water. Start the night off with a hearty glass of H20. Then, for every cocktail you drink, follow it up with another glass of water. Your nightcap should be water too.Champagne flutes will surely be clinking at the holiday parties you attend this season. A crisp Sauvignon Blanc with your Thanksgiving feast, sweet Manischewitz while unwrapping Hanukkah gifts, spiked egg nog on Christmas morning, and of course, classic bubbly champagne to ring in the new year. It’s the season of giving and it’s also the season of hangovers.
2. Drink more water before reaching for more food.
Everyone knows the holidays can be a stressful time. And for those with a sweet tooth or who are prone to overindulging in food, it can be extra stressful for fear of packing on the pounds. The good news is that staying hydrated over the holidays can help curb those cranberry sauce cravings and even control weight gain.
It’s been said that when you feel hungry, you actually might be thirsty. Before you make your big plate of goodies, drink some water first. You’ll feel fuller and you’ll be hydrated, meaning you’re less likely to swipe a second piece of pumpkin pie.
3. Bring your own water bottle to holiday functions.
Sometimes, you just have to take matters into your own hands – by bringing your own water bottle to the party, like a KOR Water bottle. It’s easy to get caught up in the festivities but by planning ahead and bringing your own hydration stash, you’ll have no excuses.
This tip works for more than just the parties, though. Since the holidays will have you constantly running around, ticking off various to-do lists, shopping lists, and grocery lists, having a reusable water bottle on hand is a good idea in general. Plus, you’ll be able to keep track of how much water you’re consuming in a day – eight glasses a day is recommended.
4. Choose peppermint tea instead of milky hot cocoa.
When winding down after a long day of wrapping gifts, finalizing recipes, and decorating your home, it’s lovely to cozy up next to the fire with a warm beverage in hand. A rich cup of hot cocoa made with creamy milk is definitely to die for, but some nights it’ll be a good idea to opt for tea instead.
Having water-based holiday drinks, like peppermint tea for example, will ensure you’re getting that extra bit of hydration. Especially with colder weather, drinking enough water is not only good for you on the inside, it’s essential to your skin’s health, too.
5. Chapped lips? Have some water.
As the winter months are upon us, listening to your body is essential to staying hydrated over the holidays. Unlike in the summertime when you’re losing water from sweating, the colder climates dry out your skin because the humidity levels drop and the water from your skin evaporates more quickly. Hence, chapped lips and flaky skin.
It’s tricky because you may assume that because you’re not sweating, you can manage by drinking less water – and that just isn’t the case. So, it’s imperative to notice when your skin is feeling extra dry in the winter. Dousing your skin in lotion and lip balm is a good start, but to really fix the problem at its source, you need to drink more water.
What are some of your tried and true tips for staying hydrated over the holidays? Share them in the comments!
Happy Holidays!