
Aditya T
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

Braden Timm

With the chaos and demands that dominate our everyday lives, it can be hard to balance both a paycheck and the passions that drive us. One person who is breaking the mold by combining work and play is Braden Timm. Braden is a financial analyst at Amazon who is also making a name for himself as a rising social media brand photographer. Braden has gone from taking photos on his iPhone to becoming a go-to photographer for branded content in just eight years… All while maintaining his day job. So what’s his secret? As a part of his job at...

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Jessica Shen
Sip sustainably - Kor Water


It’s hard not to want to try out all of the new vibrant fitness choices available. However, the class price tag ain’t cheap, especially when you are wanting to cycle with your favorite instructor at one spot and then catch your yoga guru at another. For some, the class format may also seem overwhelming as it is easy to feel inadequate and fade into the background in a large class where everyone seems to move to the beat and know what they are doing. So, most people end up settling into their tried and true treadmill routine or with a...

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Jessica Shen
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

Imperfect Produce

Known for its fun online presence and social media feeds filled with anthropomorphized, so-called “ugly” produce, the San Francisco startup delivers grocery boxes of affordable food that the traditional supply chain tends to overlook. Whether it’s scarring, insect damage or oversupply, Imperfect Produce is always on the lookout for undervalued food in need of rescue. This might include packaged goods that are short coded or mislabeled, or produce rejected by traditional grocers on cosmetic grounds. While their marketing materials often feature conjoined carrots and misshapen mangos with craft store googly eyes, their most common complaint from customers is that the...

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